מדריכים להורדה – ייעוץ לרישוי תוכנה
The Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Negotiating with Microsoft
Find out the most common Microsoft® negotiation pitfalls to help you potentially save hundreds of thousands of dollars in licensing fees, avoid hefty future costs, and ensure that your license agreement is properly aligned with your company’s business needs.
Answers to Your 20 Top Questions about Microsoft® Audits
As a Microsoft® license holder, you will be audited at some point. Rather than panic, this guide can help you prepare. This guide, based on years of audit experience with Microsoft, will answer your most frequently asked questions about the process.
Introduction to Microsoft’s Agreement Structure
Microsoft Volume Licensing (VL) is the most cost-effective way to obtain Microsoft software and cloud services. The company has programs intended for large and small companies and one element they all have in common is that they can be very complex and confusing. The purpose of this document is to provide a brief overview of the contractual components of Microsoft Volume Licensing and the manner in which they relate to each other.
Top 10 Things to Know for Your Next Oracle® Audit
You will be audited by Oracle® at some point, but there is no need to get stressed. Find out the answers to the 10 most frequently asked questions in this guide to the Oracle Audit process, created based on years of audit experience with Oracle.